Why Lord? Job ask that question. I mentioned to you last week the Psalmist did too. We may have the same feeling today. We may be asking this question with a trusting love for our Merciful Lord.
Is God behind this virus?
Does God cause suffering?
Did our loving and gracious God allow this?
Is God "in this"?
Dr. Tony Evans said last week... "God is trying to get our attention"
I think I agree with Pastor Evans!
I believe God is allowing this sickness!
I believe God is "in this"!
Why? Because its affecting the ENTIRE world!
ALL nations, ALL peoples around the world are experiencing this sickness.
God tempts no man with evil or suffering but The Good Lord does allow evil and suffering.
We live in a fallen world. None of us are exempt from the first sin.
If we never experienced a heartache, how would we know what joy brings?
If we never experienced loss, how would we know a blessing?
If we never experienced suffering, how would we know happiness?
Jesus said in John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Do you think that good people suffer because "others" hate God?
Would God do that?
I don't know the answer to that, but I do know...
God HAS NOT been a priority in American for many years.
Many know about "God"...
But, they know nothing about the God of the bible.
God will make himself to be known...
We are to make the God of the bible to be KNOWN today!
Think about this...
Times have changed. Travel has changed. Communication has changed. Technology has changed. Medicine and medical technology have changed... Everything has changed drastically in the last 120 years.
But, one thing has not changed... man
We are the same. We have the same doubt Thomas had. We have the same hate that Cain had for his brother. We have the same greed that Judas had.
What is the common denominator?
Sin. The first sin was not just about eating an apple that God told Adam and Eve not to eat. It was about rebellion.
War against the character of God. If sin is war, then we live in a war zone!
There is a terrible power of evil at work in the human heart...
Jeremiah said in chapter 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
How is suffering and our sin related?
God is not the author of confusion. We can understand God in all that is happening around us.
Look at how the church has jumped into action in the past 8-9 days.
Look at how all nations are talking and trying to work together right now.
Look at how all people of all faiths are trying to find God is all this.
We are all the same.
This virus and our sin isn't the same... Is it?
"God can shake not the earth only, but also heaven... See that ye refuse not him that speaketh" Hebrews 12:26-25
Please remember our church prayer requests and all those listed in our church bulletin.
Pray for one another. Pray for our Nation and our people.
Pray for our military and the churches missionaries all around the world.
Pray for our Police Officers and Fire Fighters.
Pray for all those in the medical field, hospitals and doctors office as they provide patient well care and also to protect themselves.
Heavenly Father, I pray you protect your people today and meet every need.
Send comfort and understanding to us. In Jesus name, Amen.
"Wherefore edify(encourage) one another..." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 suffering with you in Christ, Pastor Brian
Have a great day!
