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Writer's pictureCookson Creek

Keep on the firing line

Good Morning!

John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

John 11:9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.

John 12:35 Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.

In these verses Jesus is making alot of references to day and night, light and darkness, and the hours in a day.

Time is a gift from God.

It is precious and holy, more valuable than any possession that a person could ever have.

James said our lives is even as a vapour, here for a little time, then gone away. Time is a donation from God, we you cannot buy it, we cannot purchase it, we cannot trade for it, we can not earn it.

The fowls of the air, the beasts of the field, the oceans beating upon the sea shores, the elements and the universe in their courses do not calculate time.

As a child, we have no understanding or appreciation for time.

It is something that comes into our conscience when we reaches the age of accountability.

Time is unstoppable. Like the cotton gin and the weavers shuttle my Pastor always spoke about.

Relentless is movement of time. It is like the planets that swing around the sun, without haste, and without delay.

The earth rotates at the speed of 460 meters per second, roughly 1,000 miles per hour! Think about that!

Now that we understand how precious time is, Jesus then says in verse 46 of John 12...

46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

At the age when we understand time, at the moment when the light has shined and we can see, we begin to understand how important our days are!

Luke 2:49 Jesus said, "I must be about My Father’s business"

John 3:14 Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up".

Jesus words describe ‘necessity’ and ‘urgency’; they so often fell from His lips. And this verse in John chapter 9 verse 4 describes 'necessity' and the 'urgency' of the hour. Today is the day of salvation! It still is urgent!

John 9:4 The night cometh when no man can work!

I seen a preacher the other day say, talking about essential and non-essential jobs in this season of the virus...

He said, "The church deemed itself non-essential along time ago!"

That's so sad!

But in some cases, we do. We talk about how much we love Jesus, but then sometimes our actions do not reflect that.

When we compare this statement of Jesus "the night cometh" with v5, it shows that it is metaphorical.

The night can also represent the coming judgement, a period when the opportunity for salvation is past, and your rejection of the Darling Son of God will be set and done forever.

It is very true! "the night cometh" 'the time of darkness is coming.'

When Jesus said for the 'Night is coming,' He was talking about the urgency of time!

The ‘day’ in the verse represents the opportunity; and the 'night' is the loss of that opportunity.

The urgent need that Christ was talking about here is spiritual!

We should be aware of the needs of our spirituality. Prayer, reading our Bibles, fellowship and encouragement with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The world needs to know this too. The lost needs to hear and see that there is forgiveness for all sins in the name of Jesus Christ.

The people of this world need encouragement, life is so full of struggles for everyone, but the world also needs to be warned, life will end for all of us if Christ does not catch His Bride away before our appointment with death comes.

Remember what Jesus said, "I must work the works of him that sent me,"

Who is our sender? Christ our Saviour and Lord!

We must also be about Christ work while it is day, the night is coming, the opportunity is going to pass and our loved ones and friends and fellow work employees are going to die without God.

Heavenly Father, Strengthen your people today, give us power to speak thy Word. In Jesus name, Amen

Please remember the phone tree prayer requests.

Please remember our church prayer requests and all those listed in our church bulletin.

Pray for one another. Pray for our Nation and ALL people.

Pray for our military, their families and the churches missionaries all around the world.

Pray for our Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and First Responders.

Pray for all those in the medical field, hospitals and doctors offices as they provide patient well care and also to protect themselves.

Finally Pray for the lost, those seeking after The Lord today.

"Wherefore edify(encourage) one another..." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Soldier on... in Christ, Pastor Brian

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